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Aphelion Defense

Strategically manage resources, deploy units, and conquer planets in a dynamic solar system to outsmart your opponents and conquer their territory.

Embark on a thrilling interstellar battle in Aphelion Defense, an action-packed multiplayer Real Time Strategy game set in the depths of space. Strategically navigate a dynamic solar system, where planets are in constant motion, as you compete against other players to expand your territory and eliminate enemy civilizations. Manage vital resources, such as energy and units, make shrewd decisions to outmaneuver opponents, and conquer territory to emerge victorious. With its sleek futuristic design, intuitive interface, and fast-paced gameplay, Aphelion Defense offers an immersive experience where strategic mastery and quick thinking are the keys to triumph in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Aphelion Studios
- Aidan Campbell
- Brandon Diaz
- Changyuan Lin
- Daniel Zhan
- Eshaan Kaul
- Haotian Ma
- Jinmo Huang,
- Lirong Yao
- Paul Sachs
- Zhaojiahong Zhu
Genre multiplayer, strategy
Course CS/INFO 4152
Engine CUGL

Game Media