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Bubblegum Bandit

With the power of gravity manipulation and bubblegum, the Bubblegum Bandit wreaks havoc and takes revenge by stealing from evil robots and blowing up their ships.

In a galaxy overtaken by evil robots, one renegade known as the Bubblegum Bandit seeks to tear apart their oppressive regime ship by ship. With the power of gravity manipulation and bubblegum, the bandit flips and sticks their way through hordes of robots to find and steal the energy orb, each ship’s sole power source. Once destabilizing the spaceship, the bandit must make a speedy escape before it explodes! Bubblegum Bandit invites players to a bright, colorful, and exciting take on outer space with danger around every corner. Embody a cheeky space rogue who saves the galaxy by wreaking havoc!

Crested Gecko Studios
- Bella Besuud
- Ariela Gettig
- Caroline Hohner
- Ruike Liang
- Benjamin Neuwirth
- Emily Penna
- Teddy Siker
- Sophia Xu
Genre action, gravity
Course CS/INFO 3152
Engine LibGDX

Game Media