Game cover image


Carefully plan out the laboratory setup and manipulate electrical machines to help your beloved cat get back to you safely.

Cats have a habit of wandering into places they shouldn’t, and Dr. Whiskerstein is no exception. You’ve left your dangerous lab entrance open and Dr. Whiskerstein has just meandered in! You, a genius scientist, must rack your brain to rearrange your lab so that your precious cat can safely traverse its interior. Unlock levels and discover new components to advance deeper!

Schrödinger Studios
- Monica Chen
- Silvia Chang
- Jane Dexter
- Michael Egbueze
- Barry Lyu
- Alex Schindler
- Calvin Shyu
- Adele Smolansky
- Sophia Tan
- Bianca Tseng
- Han Xia
Genre puzzle, sandbox
Course CS/INFO 4152
Engine CUGL

Game Media